Archive | May 2013

Seattle Bookstores: Half Price Books

One of the major disappointments upon moving home is that my treasured Borders Bookstore in Downtown Redmond has gone out of business. It shouldn’t come as a surprise as it’s Borders, but the branch that ranged across two levels in a huge space that was heaven for book lovers always seemed to have staying power. 

Now there is no actual bookstore in all of Redmond. None. Zip. Zero. In a town full of fast food chains and Starbucks, I am horrified that there is no bookstore to chase away a few hours. 

A friend of mine in London is documenting London Bookstores, and as I’m now back in Seattle I thought it would be fun to do the same for my area. 

Although Redmond doesn’t have any new bookstores, what is still available are multiple locations of a great used bookstore called Half Price Books


One of my favourite locations is in Crossroads Mall as it’s next to my two favourite craft stores Jo-ann’s and Michael’s. Blissful locations that even has a library branch tucked inside. 


Half Price Books is great because the books are gently used at great prices. They also sell second movies, magazine, comics, manga and classic vinyl.



Some bits are new, but as they also give cash for used items, the majority of their stock is second hand. I love how their children’s section is called ‘Half pint’:


I had a good nose and was impressed by how much variety there was for this location. It’s also been a relief that Half Price Books is still around, a girl has got to find her book fix somewhere! 


Half Price Books has locations around the US. The charm of a second hand bookstore means each location is going to vary in what’s available. Like buried treasure, each Half Price Books is unique to its own as well as selling online. You’ll never know what you’ll find!


I hope to discover more books, new as well as used around the Seattle area. I hope you enjoy the new segment I’m adding to my blog and let me know what you think or what you want more of! 

Many thanks to Half Price Books of Crossroads, Redmond. 



Book Review: Pivot Point by Kasie West

Pivot Point Cover

Screen shot 2013-05-11 at 21.20.59

Addison Coleman is an extraordinary teenager. Gifted with the power to see the future outcome when making a decision, she is just your average teenager. Growing up on a compound with others just like her, she has a best friend, crushes on boys and is faced with a difficult choice when her parents announce they are getting a divorce.

Addie must decide to either remain on the compound with mother or she can leave to the normal world with her father. If she remains with her mother, Addie will grab the attention of the hottest guy in school. On the outside Addie learns that not all ‘Norms’ are as ignorant as she’s taught to believe. The choice should be easy. Two different choices like a fork in the road. Which one will she choose?

But Addie’s power comes with a difficult price, for she must choose one of the paths. When each present results with tragic results, she’s got to decide whom she can live with forever, or without.

I really loved this book! Such a great premise and it’s exciting right from the first chapter! Totally TV worthy and the only thing I’m disappointed about is the fact that it’s becoming a book series. I really liked this book as a single, but it’s very impressive so I’m not shocked that more books are on the way.

Anyways, the format is written as every other chapter in the perspective of each path. It’s best not to be reading other books whilst reading this one. There is so much to each story and they’re beautifully interwoven as alternate realities. This book will keep you up reading until the final chapter to see which future Addie chooses. Not heavy on the romance it’s focus is more on being an ‘average’ teenager (somewhat) and I loved how relatable the story was.

If you’ve ever wondered ‘What if?’ in your life, this book will make you think about choices. Now which point will you take?

May Purchases

This month I’m proud to say I supported one of my own!


I purchased:

How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you by the creator of The Oatmeal – Matthew Inman

Inman is from Seattle – Holla for talented people of my hometown! It’s extremely funny if you’re a cat person and Inman’s illustrations are brilliant! If you’re more of a dog person, Inman has also freshly published My Dog : The Paradox, which is just as hilarious. 

Knitting for Peace by Betty Christansten


A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness because I enjoyed reading it so much last month that I knew I simply must have it for my collection. Find my review here

Did anyone buy any special titles this month?



Literary Inspired Spotlight – Go Away I’m Reading Book Covers

People never enjoy being judged by the cover of the book one’s reading. 

Well there’s good news! The very talented Sarah Enni has created -FOR FREE a range of amazing book covers that you can print out and dress up your books with!!

Go away I'm reading

The colours are beautiful.

Fiction reality

The words are true. 


All photos are courtesy of Sarah Enni, and for directions on where to download the book covers and make them fit your book please visit her website. Many thanks Sarah for such a brilliant idea that has been executed fantastically!

Go forth and read. No judgement shall come with the aid of these book covers!


Book Review: Of Silk and Fire by Allie Brennan

Of Silk and Fire Cover

Silk Info

Ella Olsen awakens starved to death and dirty on a moving train car.

She has no memories of how or when she got there.

Something is locked within her mind, a past full of pain.

There is a boy who can read her thoughts.

As Ella struggles to regain her strength and understand this world around her, the more she tried to remember who she is. Her memories were forgotten for a reason, could remembering ruin everything in her present?

This book really isn’t a book; it’s a novella, which Brennan states. However, I felt there was a lot lacking. It was over before it got anywhere and was riddled with clichés.

Nevertheless, there was some promise. Every couple of sentences I would find a glimpse of writing prose that sucked me into the story. I enjoyed the opening of the piece and Ella as a character. The world Brennan created with this short story could have gone places.

If you’re looking for a quick romantic mystery, this is perfect for a bus/train journey. It has enough to hold your attention and it ends before you’re too involved. It’ll make you think (either good or bad). Although I give props for the cover, I am such a sucker for a good cover. Bottom line, this is one of the better self published books I’ve read but I’m still looking for another as good as Angelfall (which has been freshly published in the UK this month!)