Archive | March 2014

Book Review: Crash into You by Katie McGarry

Crash into You cover

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Please note this is the third book in the Pushing the Limits series, however, the characters are only slightly connected so there will be no spoilers! 

Rachel is a good girl from the right side of the tracks. Growing up the youngest from a well to do family, she craves the speed her Mustang GT gives her. It’s where she can think, where she can dream, where the truth of her reality doesn’t have to exist. 

Isaiah is living on the edge, literary. Barely getting by, his only hope is to pass a test that could open every door to a future he never thought could be his. 

Then one night everything changes for both Rachel and Isaiah. It was supposed to be the final time for Isaiah. Rachel chose the wrong night to breach the underworld of drag racing. Now they owe the roughest guy in town, and he will do whatever it takes to get what is his. 

She’s a blonde eyed angel and he’s a tattooed saviour also in need of rescue. When they start to fall in love, will it make matters worse? Or build them their stairway to heaven? 

I’ve really enjoyed how different McGarry makes each of her books in this series. It keeps me coming back for more and I still get a thrill each time one of the past characters makes an appearance. It’s like a healthy ecosystem of narrative. 

This book doesn’t disappoint and follows the same flow as the others. I loved Rachel’s backstory and it’s nice to be able to get into Isaiah’s head! I felt the language, the setting, the premise of the plot all worked really well. It starts off a bit slow, but boy, does it pick up! The growth within the characters is natural and genuine, causing me to tear through the final chapter to know what happens! It’s also important to note that the issue of pride is put on a more relatable level. I had to take a step back to be able to see it, and it’s something that McGarry does well. Her characters are so real, full of flaws but still capable of growth. Rachel doesn’t want to be rescued and she fights for her chance to help and fix the issues on her own. Isaiah is deep and fragile in his own way, something his persona won’t allow others to see. 

Everything is a race against time in this third book and it was well worth the wait! My dear readers you know I am not a fan of romance, but for McGarry, I’m always thrilled to make the exception. Her romance has depth, heart and controversy that makes this series a romance standout! 

Report: Vogue Knitting Live 2014

This is going to be an exciting year for publishing (traditional and none) events! One of these such events is Vogue Knitting Live 2014! 

VK Mag

I’ve expressed in previous posts that I enjoy knitting and am thrilled to be able to purchase some knitting books finally! VK S

When I got an alert that Voque Knitting Live was in town again – I couldn’t wait to go! 


It’s such an amazing event full of vendors from around the world (and many that were local!).


Some were selling felting kits for amazing creatures.


Others were creating jewellery from repurposed knitting needles! (I bought some – it’s awesome)


One of the main things about Vogue Knitting Live are the opportunities to take some classes and expand your skills! I was happy to just browse the exhibition hall and pour over the beautiful books from Vogue Knitting and their magazines. 

Perhaps one of the best things about the expo was the yarn drop at the end. 


People gather under the hanging yarn and wait….wait…..wait for it to drop! It was pretty intense, but I was able to scout which hank I wanted and I snagged my spot just at the right time. When the scissors went cutting – boom! The hank I wanted fell into my arms. 


Then I quickly jumped out of the way because women were pushing, shoving and diving for still hanging yarn! Quick a sight!

I’m so happy Vogue Knitting came back to Seattle to hold their expo, and I can’t wait for 2015 to roll around! I plan to be more prepared! 

Vogue Knitting Live is travelling around the US! Check to see if it’s heading to your city!

Book Review: World After by Susan EE

World After

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*Please note, my reviews may contain spoilers as this is the second in a series. Check out my review of the first book Angelfall here. 

Penryn has returned. Paige has been found. Both of them are not as they were before.

Paige is now a monster, a former shadow of the frail younger sister she used to be. Her skin has been restitched all over her face and her teeth are filed points of danger. She won’t eat, can barley speak and still remains somehow frail despite her transformation. Just as Penryn makes a bit of progress, Paige is gone yet again.

The angels are getting stronger. As Penryn hunts for Paige she tries to push all thoughts of Raffe away. She carries his sword and his enemies lurk nearby, making her attempt impossible. As she tries to help a group of struggling people the angels swoop in on their trap.

Now they are en route to Alcatraz, where the horrors of the past are mere children’s stories compared to what has been awakened on the island. As the days get darker and the world seems at its end, it’s up to Penryn to continue to fight for her family and the lucky humans that get caught in her path.

I do have to admit that there is a bit more romance in this second book than in the debut. I love the idea of angels being horrible, these saviours turned assassins. The romance bit is the only thing that rubs me the wrong way. I feel it cheats a bit of Penryn’s character. The star crossed lovers – it’s all a bit cliched for my taste.

However, the romance isn’t a dominating bit. What I loved about this continuation to the series is how gross it got. I mean, I was a bit ill reading some of the chapters! The truth of the angels intentions were so nightmarish. The imagery kept me up at night. This is dystopian behind the curtain. One’s imagination couldn’t get any worse and Ee stays true to her vision of this new world. It’s amazing. Horrify, but you can’t stop reading because you want to know just how bad it’s going to get.

There’s still one more book on the way. I have a feeling it’s going to get a whole worse. I can’t wait.