Archive | April 2013

Book Review: Evermore by Alyson Noel

Evermore cover

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Ever Bloom used to be the popular cheerleader. Tall, blonde and living the spoiled life in Oregon, looking good was her main responsibility. That is until her entire family died in a car crash. Ever survived, but can now read people’s thoughts and see the colour of the auras. Human touch creates thoughts and feelings that make life unbearable. Living with her Aunt in California is only the beginning of this new life.

Hiding from the world as much as she tries to hide from herself, Ever is confronted by the hot new guy Damen in school. His mind calms hers and he can make scarlet red tulips appear before her when he wishes. Falling in love is the least of Ever’s interests, but try as she might to ignore him; he always creeps up when she needs him the most. Can she find the strength to accept who she now is? Or will she fade into nothingness to reunite with her family?

For a paranormal romance, Evermore follows most of the traditional YA rules, making this first in a series one that teens and tweens will love to swallow up. I really liked Ever as a character. She’s not oblivious and has a good head on her shoulders. She’s still selfish and native about things, but she’s 16 and that’s to be expected.

Ever has guts and it’s nice to read about a strong female character in a romance YA book. It’s a rarity. Ever doesn’t even want a boyfriend, that’s not a concern of hers and it’s a refreshing thought to see that she understands she doesn’t need a man to consider herself worth something.

There’s a lot more to these books and I can’t wait to see here Noel takes this type of genre.

April 2013 Purchases

Ah how things have changed. No longer do I have the opportunity to stumble upon local bookstores in London. Sadly, my favourite bookstore, an enormous two story Borders based in downtown Redmond is no longer there. Devastating news. As soon as I earned my driver’s license I would spend endless hours at that Borders. Now there is no longer ANY bookstore in Redmond, WA where one can purchase new books. (I’m sorry, grocery stores don’t count). 

Instead Redmond has used bookstores. Some have new titles, but most are gently used. It’s not a terrible thing, it’s a grand idea to reuse titles that might mean more to someone else. I just hate how the world is turning into relaying on the Internet to purchase books when bookstores are struggling. 

My purchases for this month are not YA based and next month for my ‘May reads’ you’ll see why. Instead I have indulged myself with craft books that I have been wanting for a long time. 

knitting books

The knitting book is pure gold, so I’m curious to see how I get on with the crochet book. These two are purchased from Amazon. Glamknits is from a used bookstore in Redmond. It has a fantastic open cardigan pattern. 

Also, special mention:

Although this book was purchased in March, it truly deserves special mention. I purchased this lovely piece of book art from the Victoria and Albert Museum gift shop after experiencing the David Bowie exhibit that’s currently running. 


Seriously, if you’re in London and enjoy David Bowie’s music, GO to this exhibit! It’s amazing and exciting and absolutely fantastic! 

Until next time,



Book Review: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

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“The monster showed up at just after midnight. As they do.”

Thus begins the emotional story of 13-year-old Conor, who struggles to come to terms with his mother’s illness in England. This work of art is blended beautifully with the realistic story that no child should ever endure. Conor’s harsh reality includes everything a present day child can face. A father who remarries in America, a cold grandmother and bullies at school along with facing how terminal cancer affects his mother.

Written for a slighter younger audience this book transcends age limits. The monster, a creature comes to Conor in the form of a Yew tree is evil, scary and has a sense of humour. Telling Conor three tales, the monster will force Conor to see the truth that he’s been avoiding.

The late Siobhan Dowd, who unfortunately passed away before the story was finished but Ness has done an outstanding job, inspired this story. The result is a piece of work that anyone can relate to.

Crafted with amazing illustrations of shadow and shapes A Monster Calls is an important book to be on everyone’s bookshelf. 

Event: World Book Night 2013

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Just a quick shout out to one of the best days of the year! World Book Night has arrived for both the USA and the UK! If you’re lucky enough to be a book giver – I tip my hat to you! If you’re even more lucky to be a recipient of a World Book Night book – well I am just plain jealous!

World Book Night is (from the WBN website):

“Why does World Book Night exist? Reading for pleasure improves literacy, actively engaging emerging readers in their desire to read. Reading changes lives, improves employability, social interaction, enfranchisement, and can have a positive effect on mental health and happiness. Book readers are more likely to participate in positive activities such as volunteering, attending cultural events, and even physical exercise.1

Or more simply put, books are fun—and they can be life-changing.”

If you aren’t fortunate enough to take part in this fantastic event, please pick up a book you might not normally read and give it a go. Have a book trade with some friends, family or even coworkers! Books are unique to each person and your mind deserves to be stretched every once in a while! 

For more info on the USA books.

For more info on the UK books. 

Happy reading!

